Positive Feedback
Welcome to our Positive Feedback page
We are taking this step to try to redress the balance of negative comments made about GP surgeries and Primary Care in general, through various forms of media including the press, social media, and various “experience-type” review websites including NHS Choices. We feel that comments posted in this way may give a false impression of our practice and the service we provide as they do not include the many positive comments that we receive directly.
Our aim is to celebrate the things that go right and the systems that work well, but to also to work to improve in the areas where we could do better.

"Hello Whitehill,
I would just like to thank Dr Paul and the Oxford Healthy Minds team for their outstanding care to help me overcome my recent issues and get me back to good health.
From the 1st call with Dr Paul, his gentle and sympathetic care for me has been outstanding. Then referring me to the Healthy Minds team who assessed me within hours and days to find a treatment path which has really helped me get things back into perspective.
I will always be grateful for the care I have received from Dr Paul and the team at Whitehill and would recommend your outstanding care to anyone.
I would be happy for you to post this message or elements of it onto your positive feedback site. "
" May I take this opportunity to thank you and your team of doctors and nurses for the excellent service you have given me over the past 10 years"
"I would like to say a big thank you to Mandy in reception for all her help recently; she was so helpful and kind, she is an asset to your practice. I would also like to thank John your paramedic for all his help and care with my grandma"
"Quick service and helpful, pleasant manner"
"I would highly recommend the Nurses at Whitehill..Superb as ever!"
"Having suffered for 5 weeks with dreadful pain - I decided to ring for a call back appointment - they told me my own doctor was busy but another would call me - the doctor who called me was Dr Turner. I can't thank her enough for all the help she gave me - for the time she spent on me - gave me hope and made me feel so much better - my thanks to her that I am going to be seen at hospital tomorrow a week earlier. What a doctor - an asset to Whitehill. "
On moving out of the area " just wanted to say thank you to Whitehill, Dr Ali and to the nurses, espcially the ones seen with regards to diabetic care and of course the ladies on the 'front line' - reception etc. Much appreciate the care and attention over the many years we have been registered with Whitehill"
"On the 'new system', I found the instructions clear and concise; and when speaking to the reception staff; found them friendly and helpful. A system which stops 'time wasters'; but is also 'user friendly' in the busy world we live in; has to be positive!!"
"Dear Dr Ali, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you and the team at Whitehill Surgery for your time, care & support."
"Dr Draper. I wanted to thank you for all of your empathy and compassion, it has been a pleasure having you as my GP, keep up the good work!"
"Louisa Pearson, Practice Nurse, I have been attending the Warfarin clinic since June 2015. I have found you always to be thorough and welcoming when I come through your door. I always feel relaxed in the knowledge that if there is a variation in my levels you will soon sort it out. Thank you for all you do. you make a difference, and it is much appreciated."
"Thank you all for the wonderful professional, friendly atmosphere& service you give us, especially on a 'flu ' day. The surgery was packed, but it all moved smoothly. I feel very privileged & lucky to be at Whitehill. Thank you for all you do."
"Kathy Gould, Lead Nurse, I just wanted to say a big thanks for your recommendations. My skin is really well controlled and I think this is the longest its been in great condition."
"Kathy Gould, Lead Nurse, I will miss my appointments to see you!"
"Kathy Gould, lead Nurse, I came to see you for my annual asthma review. Thanks to your thoughtfulness, and thoroughness, you changed my inhaler. I cannot believe the change it has made for me. I feel better 'all round'. I can even keep up with my wifes speedy walking." -18.07.16 "To Sandy, the community practice nurse for nurse for over 75's, I don't know what I would of done without your help this week. Thank you." (Patients relative)
"To the Secretarial Team. BIG MASSIVE THANKS! I just wanted you to thank you for all your help. You both went over & above to help get me sorted. I was really touched by the help & support you gave me."
" Dear Dr Ali, I feel very lucky to have such a lovely, kind, helpful doctor"
“ I have suffered pain and discomfort for more than 10 years. Over the last couple of months Dr Paul has been treating me. He has chased hospital results and carefully considered my symptoms; he has issued me with the correct medication treating the underlying cause. As a result I am able to enjoy a happier and more fulfilling lifestyle.”